How the Fat-Melting "Blue Tonic" Helped Reclaim My Body & Happiness

Susan M. | Scottsdale, Arizona
Wellness coach and writer at Daily Health & Happiness | Lover of food, cooking, and the outdoors.

March 8th, 2024 - 3 min read

before-susan andersen

The old, unhappy me at 207 lbs (pictured here with my husband).

Hi, my name is Susan. Married for 27 years. Mom of 2 and now a new grandma! I just stumbled upon a way to get my old self back...

Back in my 20s and 30s it was so easy.

I used to:

Have energy that lasted all day

Easily get away with eating burgers, fries, pizza, and ice cream

Never gain an ounce no matter what I ate

Maintain a slim figure without going to the gym at all

Feel confident in my clothes and my swimsuit!

That was me then...

After 40, Everything Went Downhill. Fast...

fat woman back

Since reaching my 40s, I could feel that my health was going backwards. I had such low energy during the day. And I was falling asleep in front of the TV in the early evening.

That's not who I am!

Then one day, I bumped into my daughter's friend from high school. But she didn't recognize me at first. I had to tell her who I was.

Before she could stop herself, she said something that hurt me deeply.

"Wow, Mrs. Harris! I didn't recognize you. You were so much smaller back then."

That was a real eye-opener.

When I got home, the first thing I did was weigh myself.

I couldn't believe my eyes! 207!

It was then that I realized that something had to change.

I was tired, puffy, and bulging out all over the place.

In short, I was a mess.

And so, that evening, as I was getting ready for bed, I made a decision.

I Had To Get The "REAL ME" Back

3-home remedy

I tried everything I could think of.

I started walking, but that did not work. And it was so time-consuming, with no real reward.

I changed my eating style... many, many times.

I tried juices, detoxes, and elimination plans.

2-apple cider

Believe it or not, I even went vegan for a while.

Of course, I had also tried Keto, Paleo, and every other fad.

Pickle juice, lime juice, cider vinegar, lemons. And even one that used soda!


So I decided to go to my doctor. Maybe there was something wrong with my body?

What My Doctor Revealed Was Unexpected

Close-up of doctor with stethoscope

I was fully expecting my doctor to put the blame on me. To tell me that I was weak and that I just needed to eat right and exercise more.

That's what all the doctors usually say.

But boy, was I wrong.

"You need to target the root cause," he said.

Then he began to tell me about this Oriental Blue Tonic. 

"It's a bit unconventional," he said. "But it really does have some great science backing it up, and I'm seeing fantastic results in the women that I have told this to."

And that there were three really amazing things about it:

  1. There was no need to change eating habits.
  2. There was no need for exercise.
  3. And it only takes a few seconds each day.

He told me about this website where I can watch the video about the blue tonic.

Well... I could not wait to get home.

Instead, when I got to the car, I grabbed my phone and started watching the video immediately.

I sat there, riveted to my screen. I was blown away by everything I learned in the video.

Could something this simple really be the answer? Really?  

I Am So Grateful I Followed My Heart, Not My Head

after-susan andersen

This is me and my husband now! I look and feel young, and I am very happy at 136 lbs!

I've been drinking the Blue Tonic for a while now, and I am beyond thrilled. I am so grateful to my doctor for showing me the way.

It's so convenient because I just take it right before going to bed. And now I regularly find myself fitting into clothes I've not worn for ages.

Now, that's fun!

But wearing new clothes and looking great is not even the best thing.

What's most important to me, and what I'm really grateful for, is that I've got my energy back. I sleep well and wake up refreshed. I've got all the energy I need to get me through the day. 

I even started to enjoy exercise. I had so much energy to burn... I had to do SOMETHING with it!

Also, my husband noticed the difference too… if you know what I mean.😊

On top of that:

I feel younger... Dropping the excess baggage and feeling full of energy has given me a new lease in life. I feel like I am 30 again.

I don't crave snacks any more... I can eat meals and feel satisfied. I'm not constantly going to the kitchen looking for the next thing I can put in my mouth.

My blood sugar levels are more stable... and I have sustained energy throughout the day.

Even my husband started taking the blue tonic as well.

Yep, evidently, it works for men too!

I Feel Like The "Real Me" Is Back

Despite my initial skepticism, this has caused an extraordinary transformation in my health and in my life...

Now, I feel like the "REAL ME" is back. She was gone for such a long time.

I am confident that my health is now moving in the right direction because I took some time to learn about this delicious Blue Tonic and how it is the powerful answer to the real cause of weight gain.

I started to get a lot of questions from my friends and family, and I got tired of having the same conversation over and over again.

So now I just give them a link to the same information that I was given.

I have no control over this video.

There was talk that it might be taken down due to some big pharmaceutical companies that are trying to keep this method from being shared.

Apparently, this is trending on TikTok so it may eventually be removed.

But last time I checked, it was still up...

Check it out for yourself.👇

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